1:1 Exercise Therapy
This is a 45 minute training session that is completely tailored to the client’s needs and goals. After an assessment and a meeting to access goals are done, we create a personalized planned to succeed in these goals. This will look different for everyone. Ages 2 and up!
Innovative Growth is a provider for Children’s Long-Term Support Waiver Program (CLTS) & IRIS.

1:1 Safety Swim Lessons
These lessons are private and are tailored to your child's needs in the water. 8 lessons, 30 minutes in duration. Innovative Growth is a provider for Children’s Long-Term Support Waiver Program (CLTS) & IRIS.

Group Classes
After a group class assessment, we will place you in a color group and reach out to you with an invite of a group class that will be appropriate for your child. IG has a wide variety of group classes offered.
Innovative Growth is a provider for Children’s Long-Term Support Waiver Program (CLTS) & IRIS.
Email us at info.innovativegrowthexercise@gmail.com to book an assessment!